SOME OF Limiting factors of sport performance

(J.Novotný, 2006)




¨      Physiological components

·        Genetic factors

·        Gender

·        Time

·        Ageing - biological age - ontogenesis

·        Exogenous biorhythm pacemakers – negative biofeedback - oscillations of physiological function (neuro-vegetative-cardiopulmonary-metabolic regulation: gland production of hormones heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc.)

·        Anthropometric parameters

·          Size, Shape, Segments (Height, Weight, Indexes etc.)

·          Body composition (skeleton, muscle, fat, etc.)

·        Neural functions

·          Central, Peripheral

·          Sensitive, Sensory

·          Motor

·          Vegetative

·        Muscle-skeletal component

·          Muscle contraction

-         Speed

-         Strength

-         Performance

-         Work

-         Endurance

·          Muscle structure, fibres (types, rate)

·          Sources of Energy, Aerobic and Anaerobic metabolism

·          Flexibility (ligaments, articulations, muscles)

·          Muscle balance

·          Shape and position of spine and joints (biomechanics)

·        Metabolic component

·          Energy metabolism

·          Neuro-hormonal regulation (hypothalamic-hypophysis-adrenal axis)

·          Digestive system, Pancreas, Liver

·          Kidneys

·        Cardio-respiratory component

·          Respiration

·          Circulation, Heart

·          Oxygen transporting system

·        Mental (psychic) component

·          Experience

·          Emotions

·          Temperament

·          Nature


¨      Health state

·        Injuries

·          Musculoskeletal apparatus

-         Contusions, strains, ruptures, fracture etc.

-         Injuries after overstress (overloading)

·          Other injuries (skin, head, brain, stomach etc.)

·        Other illness

·          Mental, Somatic

·          Acute, Chronic

·          Organs, Organ systems, Function systems

·          Infectious illness, Non-infectious illness

·          Inflammations

·          Tumours

·          Defects

·          Abuse - Dependence (Doping, Alcohol, Toxins etc.)

·        Health prevention


¨      Motoric skills

·        Agility

·        Balance

·        Coordination

·        Movement speed

·        Reaction time




¨      Training and competition

·        Trainer, Coach

·          Personality

·          Education

·          Experience

·        Plan, Feedback

·        Loading

·          Kind

·          Intensity

·          Duration

·          Frequency

·          Rhythm

·        Equipment, technical conditions

·        Protective tools (helmet, glove, goggles etc.)

·        Team-mates, Opponents

·        Fans, Spectators


¨      Tiredness and regeneration

·        Sleep

·        Rest and relaxation

·        Active regeneration

·          during sport training (warm-up, warm-down, rest-relaxation)

·          out of the training (other activities)

·        Nutrition and Drinks, Nutrition supplements

·        Physiotherapeutic procedures

·        Doping


¨      Environmental conditions (physical and chemical parameters)

·        Altitude

·        Latitude (position on globe)

·        Climate, Weather

·        Air, Water (liquid, ice, snow)

·          Light (sunshine)

·          Temperature

·          Flow

·          Composition

·          Aroma, Odour

·          Transparency

·          Pollution

·        Terrain, Field, Track, etc.

·          Surface

·          Slope

·          Radiation reflectance

·          Colour

·        Noise, Silence, Sound

·        Buildings

·        Nature (Fauna, Flora)

·        Residence (buildings - city, village)

¨      Time

·        Changes of other factors and relations

·        Exogenous biorhythm pacemakers

·          diary (Earth rotation, light)

·          weekly (Work rhythm)

·          lunar (Lunar movement)

·          seasonal (Earth movement)

·          annual (Earth movement)

·          Travel over time zone

¨      Society

·        Education, Experiences

·        Motivation, Assertiveness, Values

·        Religion, Spirituality

·        Family

·        School, Job

·        Friends

·        Training partner, Team-mate

·        Opponent

·        Trainer, Coach

·        Doctor, Physiotherapist

·        Representation - State, City

·        Cultural factors, Habits

·        Economy, Price money

·        Fans, Spectators


¨      Home


¨      Habitual activities

·        Habits, diary regimen, watching TV

·        Living – place (city, willage), garden

·        Transport


¨      Dependence (Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs)


¨      Hobbies


¨      Activities at leisure time