We hosted lectures for the University of the Third Age MU
On Friday 23 February, Gabriela Gregorovic gave a lecture for 110 participants of the University of the Third Age at Masaryk University.

Teachers from the Faculty of Sports Studies of MU have long been involved with seniors, both in research and in teaching the University of the Third Age (U3A) and conducting seminars and leisure activities for seniors. As part of the U3A teaching, a lecture on Playful Physical Activities for All Generations was held, which was attended by nearly 110 participants. The topic of movement is topical in all age groups, as movement accompanies people throughout their lives and has a major impact on their physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, the importance of exercise is often underestimated in the elderly. However, thanks to regular physical activity, we can promote health, and not only physical health, in this target group in a quite fundamental way. During physical activity and sports, positive hormones and endorphins are released, thanks to which movement also contributes to a good mood and a good mental state. Last but not least, seniors who move and play sports regularly are self-sufficient for longer. Regular brisk walking or swimming, as well as working out in the gym under the guidance of an experienced instructor, are suitable for seniors.
During this lecture, participants were able to try out small movement activities and games suitable for playing in a family circle or with friends and peers, indoors or outdoors. The main focus of these activities is on fine motor skills, coordination, spatial orientation, or balance, but also intergenerational interaction in terms of communication, cooperation, joint movement, and shared joyful experience.
The whole event was led by the lecturer Mgr. Gabriela Gregorovič, who explained where she drew inspiration from: "I drew a large part of these activities from the field of psychomotorics. I also explained the concept of team building to the participants, where we tried small group games. These are used, for example, in companies or school teams to increase team cohesion and the effectiveness of cooperation."