The Faculty of Sports Studies is not only an educational institution. We also emphasize research as scientific findings are essential for future development. Our research activities in the field of sports sciences focus on three core areas: aspects of dynamic and kinematic motion; biomedical aspects of exercise; and social science aspects of physical education and sport.
Grant providers and the project system support at MU (in czech language) Research Ethics Committee Open Science Intellectual property at MU MU project management university directive no. 6/2016
Dynamic and kinematic aspects of movement
- Research and diagnostics of movement abilities
- Qualitative and quantitative physical activity indicators of selected population segments – children, adults, elderly, disabled, patients
- Movement skills development and population fitness – effectiveness of various intervention programs
- Motor skills and cognitive activity in motor learning
- Plantar pressure distribution and walk diagnosis
Biomedical aspects of movement
- Nutritional characteristics in people
- Children nutrition
- Sports nutrition
- Food nitrates and muscular performance
- Metabolic syndrome research
Exercise and Health
- Physical activity and health status
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Effects of physical activity on the treatment of selected oncological diseases
- Risks of physical activity and how to recognize them
- Overtraining in children
- Human posture diagnostic and optimization methods
- Research of body reactions to extreme physical and mental stress
- Dysfunction of back and peripheral hand circulation muscles related to PC work
- Workplace ergonomics and its improvements to reduce sick leave days
- Physical activity and obesity (total, segmented)
- Sarcopenia and physical activity
- Different types of physical activity impact on changes in microRNA profile
- Anthropometric and somatometrical characteristics of different population groups
Social aspects of physical education and sport
Risks of physical activity and how to identify them
Sports management and economics
- Managerial concepts of quality and performance and their integration into sports organizations
- Business in sport
- Sports organizations professionalization
- Application of pedagogical knowledge into an environment of physical education and sport
- Research into the education, gradation and professionalism of sports teachers
- Education on how to behave safely
- The issue of old age - experience of active ageing (old age) in good physical condition, keeping connected with other generations
- Physical activity for people with specific needs (mentally or physically impaired)
- Pathological phenomena in sport, causes and prevention
- Active forms of transport in the context of the sedentary society