We're participating in the development of protective clothing for security and rescue forces
At the Faculty of Sports Studies within the project "Analysis of the influence of protective clothing on monitored parameters of body functions in selected stress conditions" we are studying how the body reacts in extreme conditions in different types of protective suits for security and rescue forces.

Each suit is specific and protects the body from various toxic substances. Some protect against toxins produced by combustion, others against radiation, others against aerosols and so on. But we also test combinations of them to see if it's tolerable and, if so, for how long. The goal is to improve the outdated protective suits so that the person using these suits is able to last longer and still be protected.
This research takes place in the laboratories of the Faculty of Sports Studies, where defined environmental conditions (high temperature and relatively low humidity) are strictly observed. The main physiological parameters monitored are heart rate, temperature and humidity at the body surface and core. This is important not only for scientific purposes but also, and above all, to protect the health of the test subjects. The test subjects are volunteers from among the students and faculty members.
The measurements are in their second year, but the project itself has been running for a little longer and despite various complications we are in the final phase where we are testing the ventilation and cooling of the body using a newly developed ventilation unit. Which is crucial especially for the leak proof suits. The human body cools itself by radiating heat and, more importantly, by evaporating sweat. In suits that are impermeable, cooling is almost impossible, especially when the ambient temperature is also high. After that, we'll have to test the suits in field conditions.
This research is technically provided by Mgr. Vojtěch Grün and administratively in cooperation with Mgr. Roman Drga from the Project Support Department. The research is carried out in cooperation with the State Institute of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection and Dekonta a.s.