Relationships Between the Hand Grip Strength and Body Composition in Czech and Slovak Students


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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenská antropológia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords body height; body weight; BMI; % body fat; muscle mass; bone mass
Description Hand grip strength is considered to be an indicator of individual body strength and health and is influenced by many different factors (e. g. sex, age, and body composition). The aim of this research was to determine how the hand grip strength, body height, weight, BMI, and representation of body fat, muscle and bone mass are interconnected in young healthy adults (227 females, 208 males, aged 18–35 years, Czech and Slovak nationality). The maximum value of the hand grip strength (MHGS) was selected from the three tests conducted for each hand. The weight and body composition were measured using a segmental analyser Tanita BC-545. Males proved to have higher values of body height, weight, BMI and MHGS, they also had more muscle and bone mass. In females, the percentage of body fat was higher. Most of the correlations were positive and statistically significant (low or moderate correlations). The strongest positive correlations were found between MHGS and muscle mass (whole body and upper limbs) but also in bone mass in both females and males. Statistically non-significant and lowest correlations were found between MHGS and percentage of body fat in females and males except for males’ upper right limb (statistically significant negative correlation).
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