New Time-Related Insights into an Old Laboratory Parameter: Early CRP Discovered by IBM Watson Trauma Pathway Explorer as a Predictor for Sepsis in Polytrauma Patients


MICA Ladislav PAPE Hans-Christoph NIGGLI Philipp VOMELA Jindřich NIGGLI Cédric

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Keywords WATSON Trauma Pathway Explorer; artificial intelligence; CRP; prediction; sepsis; polytrauma
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Description The Uni The University Hospital Zurich together with IBM(R) invented an outcome prediction tool based on the IBM Watson technology, the Watson Trauma Pathway Explorer(R). This tool is an artificial intelligence to predict three outcome scenarios in polytrauma patients: the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and sepsis within 21 days as well as death within 72 h. The knowledge of a patient's future under standardized trauma treatment might be of utmost importance. Here, new time-related insights on the C-reactive protein (CRP) and sepsis are presented. Meanwhile, the validated IBM Watson Trauma Pathway Explorer(R) offers a time-related insight into the most frequent laboratory parameters. In total, 3653 patients were included in the databank used by the application, and ongoing admissions are constantly implemented. The patients were grouped according to sepsis, and the CRP was analyzed according to the point of time at which the value was acquired (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h and 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days). The differences were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U-Test; binary logistic regression was used to determine the dependency of prediction, and the Closest Top-left Threshold Method presented time-specific thresholds at which CRP is predictive for sepsis. The data were considered as significant at p < 0.05, all analyses were performed in R. The differences in the CRP value of the non-sepsis and sepsis groups are starting to be significant between 6 and 8 h (p < 0.05) after admission inclusive of post hoc analysis, and the binary logistic regression depicts a similar picture. The level of significance is reached between 6 and 8 h (p < 0.05) after admission. The knowledge of the outcome reflected by the CRP in polytrauma patients improves the surgeon's tactical position to indicate operations to reduce antigenic load and avoid an infectious adverse outcome.

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