Exercise physiology laboratory
laboratory guarantor
Mgr. Martina Bernaciková, Ph.D.
In the laboratory of exercise physiology, we monitor the body's response to exercise. Using basic physiological parameters (SF, TK, DF, DO, V, VC, VO2max ....), we can diagnose basic motor skills - aerobic and anaerobic conditions of the individual.
With other devices, we monitor and then evaluate physiological functions (circulatory system, respiratory system, metabolism, etc.). For this, we use mainly the gas analyzer (Cortex Metalyzer 3B) supplemented with chest straps or EKG. Other lab equipment consists of a lactatometer, a device for measuring oxygen saturation in muscles (MOXY), and thermal cameras, plus smaller teaching devices such as sports testers, pressure gauges, spirometers, anthropometers, etc.
Routine tests performed in the laboratory are a maximum performance test with determination of aerobic capacity (VO2max) and ventilation thresholds. Another frequent test is the so-called Wingate test, which is used to diagnose anaerobic conditions. The gas analyzer measures basal or resting metabolism allowing us to evaluate an individual energy expenditure.