Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour
This project is co-funded by European Social Fund and by state budget of the Czech Republic
1.3.2010 - 28.2.2013
English videos of Methodical Materials can be found here.

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Course Resistant Exercises

13. - 14. 12. 2011 - Ostrava

Seminar Safety in PE

13. - 14. 12. 2011 - Ostrava

Conference Sport and Quality of Life 2011

10. - 13. 11. 2011 - BVV Brno

Seminar Safety in PE

15. - 16. 11. 2011 - Ústí nad Labem

Seminar Safety in PE

1. - 2. 11. 2011 - Plzeň

Seminar Safety in PE

25. - 26. 10. 2011 - Karlovy Vary

Seminar Safety in PE

18. - 19. 10. 2011 - Liberec

Film's night at FSpS

12. 10. 2011 - Kampus FSpS MU

Seminar Safety in PE

4. - 5. 10. 2011 - České Budějovice

Children’s Day

17. 9. 2011 - FSpS MU, Kamenice 5 Brno

Seminar Safety in PE

13. - 14. 9. 2011 - Zlín

Shooting - hiking

12. 6. 2011 - Semmering

Children’s Day "Krtka s Hrochem"

4. 6. 2011 - Sport center MČ Brno-Útěchov

Shooting - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

31. 3. - 6. 4. 2011 - Fakulta sportovních studií, Bílovice nad Svitavou

Shooting - Artificial Climbing Wall

14. - 18. 3. 2011 - Horolezecké centrum Klajda, Brno

Shooting - Urgent Conditions in the Mountains

8. - 9. 3. 2011 - The Jeseníky Mountains

Shooting - Downhill skiing

18. - 23. 2. 2011 - Piancavallo

Shooting - Cross-country skiing

26. - 27. 2. 2011 - Nové město

FSpS Open Day

25. 1. 2011

Shooting - Cross-country skiing

8. - 9.1.2011 - The Jeseníky Mountains
meeting with mountain rescue service and shooting of cross-country skiing

Shooting - Swimming pool

18. - 27. 10. 2010 - Swimming pool Kraví Hora

Shooting - Emergency admission

26. 10. 2010 - The University Hospital Brno

Sport Life 2010 – International sport fair

7. - 10. 10. 2010 - Brno

Shooting - Resistant exercises

26. - 28. 9. 2010 - Univerzitní Kampus

Shooting - Ball games

23. - 24. 9. 2010 - Vinařská

Shooting – Gymnastics

7. - 9. 9. 2010 - Univerzitní Kampus

Shooting – Water tourism

2. - 4. 9. 2010

Shooting - In-line skating

22. - 25. 8. 2010 - Brno

Holidays without Injuries

20. - 22. 6. 2010 - Kohoutovice


5. - 10. 6. 2010 - Brno

Children’s Day "Krtka s Hrochem"

31. 5. 2010 - Žebětín

Press conference

22. 2. 2010 - Univerzitní Kampus

Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour |
Faculty of Sport Studies |
Masaryk University |
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| Counter of visits: 620278 visitors from 8.3.2010 (from which 2804 from FSpS).