Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour
This project is co-funded by European Social Fund and by state budget of the Czech Republic
1.3.2010 - 28.2.2013
English videos of Methodical Materials can be found here.

Project Annotation


This project is co-funded by European Social Fund and by state budget of the Czech Republic.

Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour

1.3.2010 - 28.2.2013

OP VK project register number:

Priority axis:
7.1, starting education

Supported area:
7.1.3, further education of schools and school facilities employees

Project of the Masaryk University, Faculty of Sport Studies is aimed at development of competencies, accessibility, quality, and attractiveness of further education of pedagogic employees. The project will offer an accredited seminar for managing employees from Healthy Lifestyle background focused on the safety and on the pupils’ injury prevention (the seminar will be held in 13 regional cities except the capital city - Prague).

Innovation, attractiveness, and safety during an activity from the Healthy Lifestyle and from the first aid point of view are the core value added for 8 attendance and for 7 e-learning courses. These courses will be offered to the target group of pedagogues from II. grade of primary schools, gymnasiums, and secondary schools.

The courser will be drawn up according to requirements of the General education program in the area of Human and Health. There will be 12 methodical materials elaborated. The courses, the seminar, and the materials will be verified and opposed before the accreditation process. An output from the courses will be an instrument for an evaluation of educational effectiveness based on a sample group of pupils.

1.   Healthy Lifestyle in Schools from the Safety Point of View
List of annotations of the attendance and e-learning courses.
1. Health Aspect in Swimming, Safeness, Drawing Rescue
2. Water Tourism
3. Education Innovation of Winter Training Courses
4. Education of Climbing on Primary and Secondary schools – Artificial Climbing Walls (attendance course only)
5. Don't be Afraid to Do Gymnastics
6. Injuries Prevention in Sport’s Games – Usage of Modern Equipments
7. Safely and Playfully on Roller Skates
8. Injuries Prevention through Falls Technique Education
Brief annotation of forthcoming methodical materials.
1. Basics in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
2. Safety on Ski Slopes and in Running Tracks – FIS Rules
3. Movement Risks in the Alpine Environment
4. First Aid in PE
Both on Playground and on Water be with Children always in Good humour |
Faculty of Sport Studies |
Masaryk University |
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