Náboženská tolerancia a intolerancia v období jozefinizmu v dielach dobových autorov


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Rok publikování 2016
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The paper analyses the works of Slovak authors who lived and worked during the Enlightenment period. Specifically, the era after the issuing of the Patent of Toleration (1781) and the Jewish Edict of Tolerance (1782) by emperor Joseph II., which were to ensure the amendment of the rights of Catholics, non-Catholics and Jews. The 18th century also saw the first attempts at codifying a national language, with which the authors wanted to address the inhabitants of Slovakia. They also wanted to utilise it to explain the religious reforms of Joseph II., as well as the reforms' legitimacy and the right to critique the reforms, respectively. Period authors are a valuable object for analysis, because they capture the specific views of a period individual (the author of a work) on the ongoing religious developments. Besides tolerance, prevailing moods of intolerance towards the emancipated religions still occurred in society. The paper attempts to clarify these opinions within the context of history and religious studies.
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